Using this platform payments can be made to Beltz cars trough electronic transactions with credit card.

All transactions flow on a safe connection and consequently are encrypted.

At no time Beltz Cars registers or stores the customer's bank details. The transaction is carried out directly on the banking institution's web page.

As can be seen, the payment form is http. This means, that thanks to encrypted communication the data introduced can not be read by a Third Party.

Encryption is a process based on algorithm that scrambles of characters and numbers of an electronic message, hiding the message in a way that only the receiver, i.e. Beltz Cars has got the key to read it.

This is why all transaction data regarding customer and transaction is private, confidential and safe.

To make a payment, please complete the following form:

Payment method

In "Concept", please introduce the name of your company and the invoice number
e.g. Tool Trading.Payment inv. 108500
In "Amount", the number format should be: XXXX.XX (e.g. 1200.00)